Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Analyzing Arguments

The govern needs to stop focusing on testing and instead support changing the hours of the school day, starting it later for teenagers and ending it later for all children. Indeed, each morning, few of the country’s 17 million high school students are awake enough to get much out of their first class, particularly if it starts before 8 a.m. Sure, many of them stayed up too late the night before, but not because they wanted to. Research shows that teenagers’ body clocks are set to a schedule that is different from that of younger children or adults.
Obviously that the idea of this text is correct, because all the teenagers like to wake up later that they can, and everybody can't work so well after they wake up, so the classes needs to starts a little bit later, and of course that the people needs to sleep before midnight, 'cause this time is so much late.